Hania Amir – the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

Hania Amir is a Pakistani actress and is quite famous in the Pakistani entertainment industry. She has a massive fan following in Millions on her Instagram as she is dealing with her followers very well by showing affection. She was seen hanging out with the Pawri Girl Dananeer Mobeen and the sons of Director Nayel Wajahat & Ashir Wajahat.


Hania Amir got into controversy for posting a video. She was lying on Kyun singer and was vibing on a song to make her friend feel good as he was sick.


During Live Instagram hosted by Hania Amir on her page, a video was shared trimmed and polished, where a man was ejaculating on her picture, and that came out really shocking and unbelievable for her because, of course, no girl should’ve approved this inappropriate act. Later on, the video was uploaded on Social Media Platforms and was seen and shared by millions of people.


The actress couldn’t process her emotions for what she just saw and went offline to get herself together. Later after that, she was smashed and bashed on Social Media by members for showing affection to her close friend Ashir Wajahat who often calls her “Baaji” in regular interactions, as seen on many of their vlogs.


The Kyun Singer, who is significantly younger than Hania Amir, was also defamed and became the target of trollers online. The video was posted by Hania Amir on her Instagram account as she didn’t know that will become a target by members and narrow-minded people. The controversial video was then taken down from her Instagram account.



Apart from trollers, her true fans seemed unhappy too with their physical intimacy, saying that it was not appropriate as the culture of our country doesn’t find that normal to look at, and actresses should respect the Pakistani culture. However, Hania Amir always showcased a close relationship with the brothers Ashir & Nayel on her Instagram and referred to them as her two younger brothers. This is her way of showing love to her loved ones, as she posted videos of her with her parents on several occasions.



Taking advantage of the situation in a very unnecessary and surprising way, Singer Asim Azhar posts an indirect tweet on Social Media, and everyone was smart enough to figure out what his tweet is about. It was an apparent jab at his ex Hania Amir despite her already receiving much hate from Social Media.


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


The Ghalat Fehmi singer’s tweet was a GIF with Anupam Kher in this, portraying the words “BAAL BAAL BACH GYA,” which means (managed a narrow escape) with the caption “Alhamdulillah” with a high five emoji. This post was clearly suggesting that the Singer is glad that his relationship with Hania Amir is over.


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


While on the other hand, after being bashed by trollers on Social Media and Asim Azhar’s tweet, she posted a video on how bad she feels after receiving hatred from the people. In that video, her friend was there with her wiping her tears and being sympathetic to her. The actress showed in a video how online trollers can make one’s life miserable. Hania also stated how difficult it is for her to maintain an ideal personality, especially in public.


She captioned the video stating, “just another day surviving in a misogynist world where double standards have power over innocence and where coexisting with the difference of opinion is not a thing. Where a man trying to belittle a woman is applauded but if a woman does the same she is hated. Where a woman showing affection to her loved ones is wrong but a man ejaculating on a woman’s picture on video on the internet is retweeted and made viral content. Just another day surviving. Hope you all are doing well in this disgusting world and keeping your goodness intact. Someone else’s evil shouldn’t ruin your goodness. Xx”


She backlashed the Singer’s tweet by tweeting this:

“You can either be a celebrity or a bitter ex with no dignity,” Hania Aamir said by backlash online. She asked her fans and following to show some responsibility and educate this generation to show respect to women.


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


She continued by saying that “Be a man of substance,” and it was time to call out “disgusting men” who were participating in heinous acts and who thought it was funny to put a woman down when the internet was trolling her.


Pakistani celebrities have been receiving and off online harassment on their dressing and other stuff and are constantly being bullied by the trollers online. Because they are public figures and often share their private life on Social Media, that leads them to humiliation. That’s what Hania Aamir dealt with this time!


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


These events intrigued Asim, who never had a chance to publicly speak about his breakup with Hania Aamir. He opened up about receiving massive jokes and memes on him all over the internet.

He told in an interview with Waqar Zaka that he had been single for a while now.

In a backlash of Hania Aamir’s Tweet, Azhar was quick to make recall Hania Aamir that back then he was receiving a lot of online trolling after she talked about Asim in an Instagram Live with Aima Baig -claiming that the so-called couple was “just friends,” this way she broke the news indirectly of her breakup with Asim Azhar.


The internet burst out of memes after this Instagram Live. Trollers did what they do -made loads of memes. Although, their admirers were devastated after hearing about their breakup.

The Singer stated that,


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


“Where were all these supporters for the past one and a half year when I was on the receiving end when everything was directed towards me, and people were constantly bullying me by talking about me everywhere they could’ve,” Asim questioned, referring to the fact that no public figure or influencer came to help or console him.


He continued


“Some people were also pinning comments against me under their posts, writing indirect captions, and talking about me on Instagram live sessions, friend-zoning me,” Asim said, indirectly referring to Aamir. “And after all that, you are now going to play the victim?” Azhar questioned the public.


“Hypocrisy truly has no limit,” he said, reminding the people that this topic was never raised by him in the past. “It was shut for me before too, but some people needed to be shown that there is a limit to how much one can bear,”


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


Asim said that everyone should learn by this, and it has been a learning experience for himself, and he’s glad that he has moved on. It was a sad & depressing phase for him.


Soon after that, Hania Aamir hit the keyboard once again and said that her intention was not to start any “ex-debate.” Instead, her intent was to complain about how devastated she felt when everyone put her down when she was fighting her battles all alone against this misogynist world.

Hania said, “I am raising my voice against misogyny and the prevalent mindset that a man can get away with saying anything on the internet, without any shape or form of accountability.”


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


However, some fans called her out for having double standards, saying that soon after their breakup, Aamir was the first to pin hate comments against the Ghalat Fehmi singer on her pictures.


However, as a result, some of her fans unfollowed her by saying that she turned out to have double standards, referring to her actions after the breakup. As she was the one who used to pin hateful comments on her posts against Ghalat Fehmi singer on her pictures on Instagram.


On the other hand, many celebrities raised their voice in supporting her.


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry



Here mainly for Azhar and Amir, it should be clear that social media is not a place to clean dirty laundry in public. They should speak privately, or the best thing is to ignore such things that do not link with them. They should not bother with Hania’s life because whatever she is doing is her choice. No one can ask her because her life and priorities are not other problems to discuss and troll no.


Azhar’s first post was not good because he used terrible expressions which do not support speaking on public platforms. It is their personal matter about what happened in the past and how good or bad their relationship was. It must be resolved or discussed privately.


While it has been noticed that Hania has no bad intentions, she has been seen positively with all smiles in her recent posts on Social Media.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

This event was not good for her because she was not expecting to be discussed on social media like this, but after trolling too much, she did not bother to pay attention to negative posts which she received on her post. It can be seen when she captions in her recent post, “Another beautiful day.” She makes sure that she never compromises her peace of mind and does not let negativity go with her. She knows better how to deal with these things and handle them.

Besides, she also said that she and Asim were not in a relationship, but they were just good friends. She also rejected the rumor that she has been dating Asim Azhar and they have been in a relationship for a long time. He declared it in her recent interview with her best friend, Aima Baig. On a fan’s question, she is still dating Asim Azhar, or she is still with him. On this question, she answered that “We are friends, we are not together, we are not dating, we are not a couple. But we are best friends.”

After her declaration in an interview with Aima Baig, this news rapidly spread on social media like a fire in the forest. Her relationship with Asim has become one of the top topics to discuss and trigger on social media.


Now, the attention of Asim Azhar’s review on this matter changed the intensity of the issue because he played his role as fuel in the fire. He also talked about this matter in his recent interview with a famous host named Waqar Zaka. He said that he is no longer with Hania, and now he has no relation with her.


He also mentioned how he dealt with media criticism. He also said that he is single now, and he would prefer to be away from any relationship for some time. It can be seen from these words, which have been said by Asim Azhar in his interview with Waqar Zaka, “It was a mature and mutual decision between us,” Azhar added. Asim Azhar further talked about how breakups are a part of life and how many people go through them. In addition to this, addressing the public reaction, he says how people love adding spice to every piece of news they discover about celebrities.

He explained his views like, “I deleted all the social media apps from my phone for six days to avoid negativity. I deleted Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter instead of deactivating them. If I had deactivated it, it would have been more attention-seeking. Deleting them helped me a lot to get through it,”

On this, Waqar Zaka called him strong-hearted because the way he dealt with public disgrace was difficult, but he did it very well. Further, Asim said that “Depression is taken so lightly and as a joke these days. Thanks to the prayers of our elders and the support of God. As you said, we are lucky to be strong-spirited. It is not easy when people take something that’s very personal to you and make a joke out of it.”

While it has been noticed that a lot of unfair things happened to Asim as well, yet he has been seen positively with all smiles in his recent picture.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry


Different people had several opinions on this incident. Many of them took the side of Hania, and many of them agreed with Azhar. Although several blamed Hania for going on hate and bitter spree as opposed to her ex, for attaching and posting previous public interaction to prove and support their points.

This event provided an open opportunity for people to think a lot as per their mindset and perspectives, but in all this matter, it is clear like glass that there is no justification and supportive argument for pestering and harassment.

Some people like to share their interactions with family, friends, and social circles because they like it. They want to interact. The inmate details that they share on social media with their fans on live streaming did not mean that they gave people the chance to ask for it. It is the right of every individual to feel free and live his or her life accordingly. Here no one has the right to bully or make a specific target to harass.

During her acting career, she had gone through several other controversial events which highly been trolled on social media and Hania dealt with all her social media scandals effectively. Besides this, she has also been highly discussed among the users of social media, stars due to her classing friend-zoning. Hania is a jolly person and she likes to be social and make friends. It is her priority which is highly reflected in her social media content such as Instagram and Facebook pages. Among all her friends like Daniyal Zafar, Asim Azhar is also a highlighted entity with she spent a lot of her time and she has been seen multiple time while working or also on different other than work. The frequency of Hania’s attachment with Asim created a rumor on social media that they are more than just a friend. But in her interview, Hania said that Asim is just her friend and they have nothing more than that. When she claims to have no relationship with Asim other than a good friend this created a stir among Asim’s fans which had been the source of a great scandal about Hania that Hania was Dating Asim and now when it comes to confess and accept her relationship with Asim publically she denied.

Asim’s fans were asking justice for Asim and wanted that Hania may accept the reality. These issues were also one of the most discussed controversies in Hania’s acting journey, but she knew how to deal with this garbage and he handled it well.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

Besides this, her matter of relationship and dating has also been attached with Daniyal Zafar three years ago when she was in touch with him and posted her photos on Instagram with Daniyal Zafar. She was chilling and enjoying with her fiend but people and social media users along with her fans took it seriously and assumed that they are in a relationship.

This matter was also trolled on social media. These two relationship controversies due to the classic friend-zoning of Hania reflect that he has a good relationship with her friends and has a huge friend circle. In addition, she used to spend most of the time while enjoying with them and she really like to share her happiness and pleasure to have such a good and sincere friend circle on social media but it is taken negatively by her fans and people started to assume what they want. These two cases reflect that she has good relations with her friends and she is not ready to be in any serious relationship other than friendship.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

Another controversy that has been highly been the center of attention on social media was about her post on achene. She posted about her acne problem on social media that she is dealing with acne problem and how she deals with it. Her aim was to tell her fans about her problem and the best solution which she applied in order to get rid of acne. She posted her picture on Instagram without makeup or filter. In this post, Yasir Hussain called her Danedar and these issues were also being the source of great controversy and issues between these two.

During his conversation with Hania on her acne issues and making fun of her face, he also targeted Aamir’s skin problems. She was not shamed for it to share her experiences and problem with her fans on social media. This shows that she is not artificial to her fan and she used to be realistic with her fans. It shows that she is extremely brave and confident that if she does so and share her life experienced with her fans on social media publically it will not reflect on visibility as an actress but it will help to drag her fans closer to her sincerity and loyalty.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

The amount of controversial events about Hania is in great quantity which makes her more center to the attention of people on social media and also among her great fan following. Hania has also been trolled due to her mimicry video. In this video, Aamir can be seen clearly that way he is making fun of her fellow Sajal Aly the way she speaks. This video got viral and it also created serval questions for Hania to define on social media.

This video was shared with high frequency among her fan following on social media, Facebook, and Instagram with several additional comments which worked as a fire in the forest in order to make these issues more serious and questioning for Hania. Due to this, the fans of Sajal Aly got angry and reacted to Hania’s post in an arrogant and aggressive manner which cause a great scene of tussle and competition among Hania’s fans and Sajal’s fans. Sajal’s fans called Hania overactor. He created hatred among Hania’s and Sajal’s fans. This was an unpleasant act that was not supported by Sajal’s fan and face several uncertain comments on this.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

Another video by Hania Amir got viral in which she is an ice-cream parlor with his friends and dancing with them. When she put her video on social media it has also been tracked by negative comments which also caused another question on her character and personality. She tagged “always bindass, enjoying with her friends in public on which people comment on her post as she is drunk and idiot.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

She also has been trolled on her cosmetic surgery post on Instagram. She posted a picture in which her lips were bigger and prominent more than in a normal routine picture. On this, her fans said that she had been lip surgery. Later this controversy has been solved that she has used a lifter which caused her lips too swollen because she did not adjust the filter and post her photo on social media without considering the consequences.

Hania Amir - the baby of the Pakistani Entertainment Industry

These frequent and top-trolled controversial events made her the center of visibility of social media and she did not been affected by these non-serious controversies because she knows how to go with it.

