Hamza & Naimal are on their 2nd honeymoon in Barça


The newly wed couple;Hamza Ali Abbasi and Naimal Khawar are now-a-days in Barcelona, Spain for their honeymoon. Naimal is keeping their fans updated by sharing beautiful pictures of the trip, giving everyone major couple goals.

Hamza & Naimal are on their 2nd honeymoon in Barça

Naimal shares the blueish picture of waterfront dining with gorgeous seaside view and healthy food.

Hamza & Naimal are on their 2nd honeymoon in Barça

Before this international trip couple had their first honeymoon at Nathia Gali, Pakistan.

The incredible artist, Naimal already bid farewell to the showbiz and now Hamza announced break for social media few days ago by sharing vague tweet.

Some people think he just take a break to enjoy this trip while others think he’ll announce his departure from showbiz. Well! we also not forget about his political career, just wait for this month to meet the end to finishes our curiosity.