“The Jaal heroin Sumbul Iqbal Khan accused to be in a hidden relationship with a growing model Mantasha Kiani’s father since past 10 years”.
Mantasha Kiani, pursuing her career in Pakistan Industry posted on her facebook account about Sumbul’s relationship with her father and put some strong allegations
Mantasha clearly asked Sumbul in her recent post that why she is wandering out with her father? on the basis of which relationship she used their properties? and why Sumbul Iqbal has been a troublesome for Mantasha and her sister Hoorain Kiani’s career. Even after these allegations it has been observed that Sumbul Iqbal didn’t respond publicily to give her stance instead Mantasha exposed to ShowbizPakistan that Sumbul is requesting and putting pressure through her father to back off by declaring all the allegations to be false.
Mantasha addressed that: She sweat blood to dedicate herself to the industry but bearing fairly putting down due to Sumbul. While talking to ShowbizPakistan Mantasha reveals that since past 10 years Sumbul Iqbal is living on her father’s expense. She claims that Sumbul emotionally blackmail her father to avoid his family to gain the material interest solely for her.
Under all these circumstances Mantasha report us about her depression. Since her childhood she’s bearing the dilemma of broken family due to Sumbul Iqbal. Her mother suffer a lot and support their daughters to pursue their career while Sumbul being a leech; choking their family and now career.
The admirers of Sumbul Iqbal Khan desrve to know the whole story.