Nadia Jamil Wins Battle Against Cancer

Leading Pakistani actress and social activist Nadia Jamil wins battle against cancer. According to details, Nadia Jamil had gone to London in March for treatment after being diagnosed with cancer.

Actress Nadia Jamil said on social networking site Twitter that She has beaten breast cancer. Nadia wrote that it was an unforgettable struggle.

Chemo is a war but I remained fearless and strong and surrounded by the love and compassion of Allah Almighty. Tried to learn from each lesson. Sickness and pain are a journey towards recovery and patience. Thank God I am better now.

nadia jamil wins

Nadia Jamil wins against cancer and said that she still feels very weak and nervous but the loving and encouraging messages from the fans encourage her that the good times are not far away. Nadia requested the fans that Please pray for me to eat something, I haven’t eaten anything since chemotherapy, I’ve only eaten one apple and half a loaf of bread for the past week.

Nadia Jamil Wins Battle Against Cancer