The renowned VJ Anoushey Ashraf utilizes her Instagram account to share horrendous stories

VJ Anoushey Ashraf share harrasement stories on her account
VJ Anoushey Ashraf, who is always seen raising the voice towards women, has to share horror stories on her Instagram account, highlighting the incidents women face every other day.

The unfortunate Lahore motorway accident has taken the country by storm, and everyone is raising their voice one way another. The celebrities also took their part and hence started to question the safety and security of women in the country. The renowned VJ Anoushey Ashraf also took to Instagram to raise her voice against the violence and spread awareness concerning the matter.

The renowned VJ Anoushey Ashraf utilizes her Instagram account to share horrendous stories

Ashraf has started an initiative to share stories of women, who have come across harassment in their everyday life. The stories are posted on her Instagram account, which is directed towards an aim. The objective of this initiative is to bring women together, under the title “Believe Women”, which aims to increase awareness towards violence against women.

Here are some real-life incidents related to harassments shared by women, exhibited on the Instagram account of Anoushey:

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TRIGGER WARNING: (some of the words, honesty and stories may not be well received by people, please refrain from commenting and scroll forward if that’s the case) “Believe Women” is a little initiative i’m going to run for awareness through my platform. It’s my small attempt to bring to light REAL stories of harassment/rape/assault women have faced at the hands of some sick minded individuals so some of us can understand how deep rooted this sickness is and how it effects women. 4-5 days of true stories by real women. I’m so proud of EACH of you for sharing your stories. Together we’re stronger and there’s some consolation in knowing we’re not alone. You’re our true life heroes! ❤️❤️ Hiding identities because you know why. Any negative comments will be blocked too. Please refrain from hate! Just listen and read carefully. Mindfully. With God as my witness, I share only stories that have been shared in my inbox by real women. Not 1 of them is a made up story. And these stories just don’t come from Pakistan, it’s an issue around the WORLD. So please don’t think I’m doing a disservice to anyone. I’m just trying to get you guys thinking about where we went wrong. Featuring on day #1: Such incidences trigger severe anxiety and trauma for most victims. It’s a scary feeling. My advice would be to speak up in public spaces and tell people around you that an individual is making you uncomfortable, but when you’re 14, it’s difficult to even comprehend what’s truly going on. Educate your girls!! Swipe right ➡️➡️➡️ for the whole story! #metoo #harrasment #rapeawareness FLOODED BY STORIES SO WILL POST ANOTHER SERIES IN A BIT

A post shared by Anoushey Ashraf (@anousheyashraf) on

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Trigger warning: THESE stories may cause severe distress to those who’ve been through these experiences so proceed with caution. My inbox is flooded and the stories are heart wrenching! Some of them so bad that I feel like it’ll be too much to handle if you’ll read it publicly. Sharing some more harrowing stories here for perceptive. “Believe Women” is a little initiative i’m going to run for awareness through my platform. It’s my little attempt to bring to light REAL stories of harassment/rape/assault women have faced at the hands of some sick minded individuals so some of us can understand how deep rooted this matter is. One week of true stories by real women. I’m so proud of EACH of you for sharing your stories. Together we’re stronger and there’s some consolation in knowing that we’re not alone. You’re our true life heroes! ❤️❤️ Hiding identities because you know why. Any negative comments will be blocked too. Please refrain from negativity. Also this isn’t an attack on ALL Pakistani men but for men in general, world over. This is a problem across nations! Feature 2! Such incidences trigger severe anxiety and trauma for most victims. It’s a scary feeling. My advice would be to speak up in public spaces and tell people around you that an individual is making you uncomfortable, but when you’re 14, it’s difficult to even comprehend what’s truly going on. Educate your girls. AND YOUR BOYS. #rapesurvivor #harrassment #metoo

A post shared by Anoushey Ashraf (@anousheyashraf) on

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Trigger warning: THESE stories may cause severe distress to those who’ve been through these experiences so proceed with caution. This series are some of the MOST DISGUSTING CASES because the culprits are ‘close’ to us. Many times the men who molest kids are close friends, family and other relatives! Sickening to the core. Be vigilant and teach your children. My inbox is flooded and the stories are heart wrenching! Some of them so bad that I feel like it’ll be too much to handle if you’ll read it publicly. Sharing some more harrowing stories here for perspective. “Believe Women” is a little initiative i’m going to run for awareness through my platform. It’s my little attempt to bring to light REAL stories of harassment/rape/assault women have faced at the hands of some sick minded individuals so some of us can understand how deep rooted this matter is. Some true stories by real women. I’m so proud of EACH of you for sharing your stories. Together we’re stronger and there’s some consolation in knowing that we’re not alone. You’re our true life heroes! ❤️❤️ Hiding identities because you know why. Any negative comments will be blocked too. Please refrain from negativity. Also this isn’t an attack on ALL Pakistani men but for men in general, world over. This is a problem across nations! Feature 3! Such incidences trigger severe anxiety and trauma for most victims. It’s a scary feeling. My advice would be to speak up in public spaces and tell people around you that an individual is making you uncomfortable, but when you’re 14, it’s difficult to even comprehend what’s truly going on. Educate your girls. AND YOUR BOYS. #rapesurvivor #harrassment #metoo

A post shared by Anoushey Ashraf (@anousheyashraf) on

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TRIGGER WARNING: (some of the words, honesty and stories may not be well received by people, please refrain from commenting and scroll forward if that’s the case) “Believe Women” is a little initiative i’m going to run for awareness through my platform. It’s my small attempt to bring to light REAL stories of harassment/rape/assault women have faced at the hands of some sick minded individuals so some of us can understand how deep rooted this sickness is and how it effects women. 4-5 days of true stories by real women. I’m so proud of EACH of you for sharing your stories. Together we’re stronger and there’s some consolation in knowing we’re not alone. You’re our true life heroes! ❤️❤️ Hiding identities because you know why. Any negative comments will be blocked too. Please refrain from hate! Just listen and read carefully. Mindfully. With God as my witness, I share only stories that have been shared in my inbox by real women. Not 1 of them is a made up story. And these stories just don’t come from Pakistan, it’s an issue around the WORLD. So please don’t think I’m doing a disservice to anyone. I’m just trying to get you guys thinking about where we went wrong. Featuring on day #1: Such incidences trigger severe anxiety and trauma for most victims. It’s a scary feeling. My advice would be to speak up in public spaces and tell people around you that an individual is making you uncomfortable, but when you’re 14, it’s difficult to even comprehend what’s truly going on. Educate your girls!! Swipe right ➡️➡️➡️ for the whole story! #metoo #harrasment #rapeawareness FLOODED BY STORIES SO WILL POST ANOTHER SERIES IN A BIT

A post shared by Anoushey Ashraf (@anousheyashraf) on

None can’t deny the fact, that the stories shared are horrible. Moreover, it is sad to see women’s going through this every day, and aren’t powerful enough to answer it back. The stories shared by Anoushey aren’t only from Pakistan, but from all around the globe.

It’s high time to bring down the sick-minded people of our society, educate the girls related to bad and good touch. From the desk of Showbiz Pakistan, we applaud the thoughtful initiative taken by VJ Anoushey Ashraf, and hope that the world will be a better place for all of us. We also condemn all the incidents, and want all the victims to know we are proud of you!